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Civil War Letter from Philip Souder, Jr. to His Parents: October 29, 1863

I recently happened upon a letter on posted by RBTATE from my 1st cousin 7x removed, Philip Souder, Jr., to his parents, my 7th great-aunt and uncle, Eveline "Eve" Fulk and Philip Souder, Sr. The letter was written while Philip was fighting in the Civil War.

October the 29, 1863 Rappahannock County Camp, near Kees crossroad

Dear parents and all inquireing friends. I seat myself today to inform you all that I am well at present and I hop these few lines may find you all enjoying the same blessing. I must tell you that I was 4 days on the Road before I found the Regiment. I found them near Gainsville in Warren County and they had bin marching and fiting for ten or twelve days and they was falling back when we came to them and the Yankees followed us up and heavy scirmishing commenced till late in the day when the Bloody fight commenced. We charged and Run them twelve miles killing and capturing prisoners as we went. We tuck about three hundred and 50 prisoners captured. 4 or 5 wagons and run old Kill Patrick into the Yankee camp. Our loss was but small and we have now fell Back on this side of the Rappahannock River where we are picket. Now I must tell you that we lost Wittig, he was wounded near Jefferson and was taken Back to a house where he Died in a few days. I was sorry to hear of his death. I never got to see him ennymore; he was Buried before I got back. We have hard times over here. Everything is very scarce and dear. Eggs are selling at too dollars a dozen, Biscuits one dollar per dozen and milk and Butter is not to be had. We still git Bread and Beef--we will not starve if we get a nuff, but sometimes we dont get nothing for two or three days, I often wish that I was at home where everything is plenty to eat, good apples and drink Brandy with you all, and I hope and trust to God that the time will soon come when this unfriendly war will end so that we can all Return to our Respected homes. Dear friends I would like to hear from you all and know how you are getting along. I want you to tell Basore to get me leather to make my little Boys shoes if possible. You can get Stultz to make them. Dear mother, I want you to get some one to make them clothes and if I live to get homne I will pay all expenses. I would like to know how my horses is doing, if there are keer taken of. I want Josiah to take good care of Cit so if I want her that she will be fit for duty. I want Shipe to tend to my horse Better than they have. Get him in better order so that he will be able for duty in the spring. I must close for this time. I want you to write to me as soon as you can for I am always glad to hear from you all. So no more at present, but remain your affectionate Son until death.

from Philip Sowders Jr.

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