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Census Sunday: Robert "Calvin" DeBoard

Census Sunday Post #5

1940 US Federal Census

This is the Census for the household of my 2nd great-grandfather, Robert "Calvin" DeBoard. Calvin was born October 27, 1887 in Grayson County, Virginia. Calvin died sometime in 1971.

This Census is of interest due to the peculiarity that my great-grandmother, Virginia's, surname is shown as different than the rest of the family, in this Census the last name she's given is Blevins. Blevins is my 2nd great-grandmother, Emma's, maiden name. Gloria Blevins is the granddaughter of Calvin DeBoard and was paraded as the daughter to my great-grandmother, Virginia. I'm not sure the reason behind it, but my great-aunt Barbara Cruey (Virginia's daughter), says that just a few years ago she and the rest of her siblings just found out that Gloria wasn't their half-sister.

Initially, everyone was told that Gloria was Virginia's child from a previous relationship or marriage (I'm not sure which, I would think marriage due to the era). Barbara told me that Gloria didn't live with the rest of the family and was always with her aunt doing things. Which aunt is not clear, I should have asked her considering it could have been Mabel or Eva. I would think Gloria's mom would be Mabel who at this time was 23, if Eva is the mother to Gloria she would have had her at about 13! It does make more sense to lie about a 14-year-old having a child, rather than a 23-year-old, so I'm thinking her mom is actually more likely to be Eva.

The last oddity is that Gloria is shown as being born in Maryland. I can't even wrap my head around why that is without knowing more about the situation.

Anyhow, this Census confirms...

  • Emma Blevins DeBoard was born in North Carolina.

  • Calvin and Emma had five children.

  • Gloria was born in Maryland.

  • Mabel worked as maid.

  • Calvin was a farmer.

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