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We're Related?: Newt Gingrich

Ancestry is at it again with it's We're Related app. Today's possible relative is Newt Gingrich, my 8th Cousin 1x Removed. Newt Gingrich is a politician here in the US. If you grew up in the 90s like I did, you may remember him most from Saturday Night Live skits which poked fun at him.

Image not my own.

We're Related believes Newt and I are related through Hans Joerg Vollmar. At first glance, this name seems familiar, but not especially so, which makes sense because this would be a distant ancestor who would have lived from 1665-1745.

Let's take a look....

This is another relative that I'm unable to confirm. My personal tree ends for the Nesselrodts at Lydia Rebecca. However, here's the real confusing part, according to my research Lydia married into the Nesselrodt line, so it's curious to me, that Lydia's father has the surname Nesselrodt, as does her husband. I have her husband as Charles Wilson Nesselrodt. At this time, I cannot find a maiden name for Lydia.

The Nesselrodts are a line that right about this point, do cause me a lot of problems and confusion. I definitely need to do more research on The Nesselrodts. Josiah Franklin, especially, is one of those ancestors that when Ancestry gives me hints, they are for many different people with different names, who maybe could also be the correct ancestor.

As an example of the many displaced (to me) Nesselrodts, this family of Nesselrodts I'm unable to determine a place for on my family tree. This is apparently John David and Kiziah Nesselrodt. They are also pictured above on top of my blog. The Nesselrodts mostly lived in and around Rockingham County, Virginia.

For now, my relation to Newt Gingrich remains unconfirmed, but not likely.

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